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[해외]Bluetooth Speakerphone - eMeet M2 Grey Conference Speakerphone for 5-8 People Business Conference Call 360º Voice Pickup 4AI Microphone Self-Adaptive Conference Speakerphone Skype, Webinar, Phone
[해외]Bluetooth Speakerphone - eMeet M2 Grey Conference Speakerphone for 5-8 People Business Conference Call 360º Voice Pickup 4AI Microphone Self-Adaptive Conference Speakerphone Skype, Webinar, Phone 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 eMeet
상품코드 n1552599311154
판매가격 502,000원 311,000
적립금 0원
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Bluetooth Speakerphone - eMeet M2 Grey Conference Speakerphone for 5-8 People Business Conference Call 360º Voice Pickup 4AI Microphone Self-Adaptive Conference Speakerphone Skype, Webinar, Phone











Product Description

Please Remove The Plastic Strip Before Use
360°Far-field Microphone Coverage
With 4 AI-self adaptive microphone arrays, M2 has a better voice sound processing capability, eMeet conference speakerphone offers large surround distance, which means you can talk to others in any direction. Users are able to hear and be heard in true wideband audio from 80 Hz to 20 kHz.

Crystal Clear Sound Thanks To VoiceIA Audio Algorithm
EMeet M2 Conference Speakerphone is equipped with an AI self-adaption system based on VoiceIA audio algorithm. includes Automatic Echo Cancellation (AEC), Automatic Noise Suppression (ANS), Automatic Gain Control (AGC) and Beamforming Technology which work together to provides you a crystal clear sound.

Humanized Design
This small conference speakerphone does care your using experience and make a lot effort in interactive process. For example, when you are talking to the speakerphone phone, there will be a vocal indication by the LED array. This indication will also show where the sound comes from which increase calling efficiency without asking again and again. The built-in dynamic equalizer let the business Conference Speakerphone automatically switches between voice and music modes, delivering the best sound and EQ for what the user is listening to.

Freedom of movement
2500mAh battery, one charge, 12 hours of talk time. EMeet M2 Conference Speakerphone outlasts the longest workday and it is a good choice for your business trip. With the compact and portable design, you can easily put our speakerphone in your pocket or briefcase. Make your meeting anywhere anytime.

Compatible With All Office Devices
EMeet M2 Conference Speakerphone connects wireless to your smartphone, tablet or other devices via Bluetooth or connects Aux, USB wire to your personal computer. It is driver-free which means you can plug and play.


4 AI SMART MICROPHONE ARREY MAKES SURE FAR FIELD VOICE PICK-UP - The professional conference speakerphone is equipped with 4 microphone arrays, which offers long surround distance. This conference call speaker and microphone operates perfectly for meeting room which accommodates 5-8 people.
HIGH-QUALITY AUDIO GUARANTEE, SMART LIGHT INDICATION PROVIDES AN INTERACTIVE TALK. This conference speakerphone is able to provide rich crystal clear HD audio thanks to the VoiceIA Algorithm. The Acoustic Echo Canceller completely eliminates the echo and the noise isolating microphone guarantee a high-quality conference experience even in noisy outdoor areas. No matter you are working in an office or the home, just make your call and enjoy life-like communication.
SIMPLE BUT POWERFUL- No driver needed, plug and play. The eMeet M2 Bluetooth conference speakerphone saves your time to debug devices. It can be easily connected to your Bluetooth supported mobile phone or tablet or to your PC with USB or AUX wire. The dynamic equalizer inside could automatically switch between voice and music modes and delivers the best sound quality and EQ depending on what the user is listening to.
UNIQUE DESIGN - Compact and portable design make it easy to put the eMeet M2 conference speakerphone into your pocket or briefcase. The aircraft-grade aluminum material and cool interactive lights, as well as the upscale touch panel, make the product full of high-tech and business feeling.
GENERAL COMPATIBILITY - eMeet M2 conference speakerphone is compatible with multiple devices and operating systems like Windows 7, 8 and 10 as well as Mac OS. It has been tested and optimized for mainstream conference applications like Zoom, Skype, WebEx, Goto Meeting, Google Hangout, Facetime and etc. The eMeet Bluetooth conference speakerphone is also personalized with digital assistants like Cortana, Siri, and Google Now. 36-month warranty includes Parts & labor.
Brand : eMeet
Item model num : OfficeCore M2
MPN(PartNumber) : eMeet-M2GR
EAN : 0650226565557
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 13x13x4cm ; 621 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 21x16x6cm ; 621 g
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