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[해외]Panasonic PAN-NB-G110PW Flash Xpress Toaster Oven, White
[해외]Panasonic PAN-NB-G110PW Flash Xpress Toaster Oven, White 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Panasonic
상품코드 n1547623848723
판매가격 235,000
적립금 0원
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상품 정보

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inch = cm
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Panasonic PAN-NB-G110PW Flash Xpress Toaster Oven, White













Product Description

Panasonic flashxpress technology toaster oven featuring double -inch infrared light-inch for cooking up to 40% faster than conventional toaster ovens, instant heat eliminates preheating, 6 cooking menus with illustrated preset buttons, automatically calculates the cooking time for a variety of foods: bread(toast, waffles, bagels), frozen food(pizza, hash browns) and reheat(rolls, breads, leftovers), digital timer (up to 25 minutes and temperature settings (250 Degree F to 500 Degree F), square shaped inner tray which is perfect for pizza up to 9-Inch in diameter of 4 slices of bread, removable crumb tray for easy cleaning, reminder beep lets you know when food is done, interior light allows you to view your food while cooking, measures 10-1/8-inch (H) by 13-inch (W) by 12-Inch (D), 7.5-Pound, white fire hazard safety warnings do not place any of these materials or foods in this toaster oven, as they can ignite and cause a fire: paper, plastic, cardboard, taco shells, tostada shells, tortilla chips, buttered bread or bread with jam. Raw fish or meat should always be wrapped in foil. Do not put oil in the crumb tray, cook with a dirty crumb tray or cook without the crumb tray in place. Never leave the toaster oven unattended when in use. If food begins to smoke or catch fire, first turn off the oven's power button then disconnect the power plug. Do not open the oven door until the flame recedes. Always read and follow cooking instructions on all food packaging. KEYWORDS: FlashXpress; flashxpress; toaster oven; toaster; toaster oven; Panasonic toaster oven; g110p;


Double Infrared Heating: This 1300 Watt toaster oven features high-efficiency quartz and ceramic heating elements to produce temperatures of 250°F - 500°F to cook up to 40 percent faster than conventional toaster ovens, evenly toasting, baking, browning and reheating food to perfection
FlashXpress Instant Heating Technology: Push-button instant-on heat eliminates preheating for quicker cooking and time-saving convenience. Inner dimensions is 10.2 x 9.8 x 4.1 in inches and oven tray dimensions is 9.3 x 9.3 x 0.7 inches
Six Preset Cooking Modes: Six convenient illustrated auto cook menu options let you easily prepare your favorite foods with the touch of a button, including toast, waffles, rolls, pizza, hash browns and quick reheat
Bright Digital Timer: Control cooking times up to 25 minutes with simple up and down arrow touch buttons on the bright red digital timer
Compact Design with Interior Light: The compact design with small countertop footprint features an interior light, front removable 9-inch baking tray and nonstick interior for easy cleaning
Brand : Panasonic
Item model num : NB-G110PW
MPN(PartNumber) : NB-G110PW
EAN : 0885170092693
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 34x31x27cm ; 4990 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 37x35x35cm ; 4990 g
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