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[해외]PALMATE Travel Pillow with Smart Head Holders and Built in Cool Vent - 핸드폰 Friendly - Ergonomic Airplane Neck Pillow with Memory Foam, Gray
Trtl Pillow
[해외]PALMATE Travel Pillow with Smart Head Holders and Built in Cool Vent - 핸드폰 Friendly - Ergonomic Airplane Neck Pillow with Memory Foam, Gray 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 n1547583645631
판매가격 66,000
적립금 0원
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PALMATE Travel Pillow with Smart Head Holders and Built in Cool Vent - 핸드폰 Friendly - Ergonomic Airplane Neck Pillow with Memory Foam, Gray








Product Description


This travel neck pillow is designed to mimic the cradle formed when you put your chin in your hands, but as with any travel pillow, your personal experience may vary. How well the Palmate Pillow works for you depends on the particular proportions of your head and neck.

MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: If you're not satisfied with the product you received, just let us know it and we're committed to your full satisfaction.

When you travel by air, do you:

Sit near the window, on the aisle, or in a middle seat?
Sleep with your head leaning left, right, or forward?

However you sit or sleep, you'll want this revolutionary napping pillow. Unlike every other travel airplane pillow we've seen, it supports you in comfort, so you can sleep peacefully & wake up refreshed.

The Secret: Smart Head-Support Holders

Notice those contoured holders on the sides of your Palmate travel pillow? They're specially made to cradle your head exactly the same way your hands would.

Your Palmate Neck Support Travel Pillow Also Provides:

Vented back panel for cooling airflow
Arc-shape cut-out design... for added ventilation plus plenty of room for headphones
Flattened back that rests smoothly against your plane's seat back
Plush adjustable front strap with secure, custom-fit closure
The memory foam to cushion you gently yet firmly
Skin-soothing stretch-cotton cover - simply zip it off to wash in the washing machine

It All Adds up to First-Class Comfort, Even in Economy Class

Ready to enjoy more relaxing sleep? Order your airline travel pillow now. Plus, get extras as gifts for all the frequent flyers you know.


Supports You in Comfort: With two front holders designed to mimic the cradle formed when you put your chin in your hands, this air travel pillow could be the key to getting better sleep on your next flight. And this design may pull your chin forward and up a bit.
Ventilation Keeps You Cool: Tired of memory foam neck pillow that leave you hot & sweaty? Your Palmate airplane pillow provides a built-in vent + clever cut-out design for constant cooling airflow.
Headphones Friendly: Notice those deep arc-shaped indents on both sides of this premium travel neck pillow? They'll accommodate most headphones, so you can relax & enjoy your music.
Bonus Bag for Easy Carrying: Simply fold up this travel pillow neck cushion, stuff it into your carry bag & attach to your luggage handle.
Money Back Guarantee - How well the Palmate Pillow works for you depends on the particular proportions of your head and neck. But don't worry, If you're not satisfied with the product you received, just let us know it and we're committed to your full satisfaction.
EAN : 0689353965909
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 23x19x17cm ; 440 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 24x23x10cm ; 440 g
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