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[해외]Magic Sculpt 매직 스컬프 에폭시(White Epoxy Clay)
[해외]Magic Sculpt 매직 스컬프 에폭시(White Epoxy Clay) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Magic Sculpt
상품코드 n1547440571958
판매가격 125,000
적립금 0원
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- 단순변심에 의한 교환/반품의 경우 고객님 부담으로 교환/반품이 진행됩니다.(단, 상품이 개봉되었거나, 파손되었을 경우 반품 불가함)

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- 가전제품의 경우 해외배송상품은 110V 전압 상품입니다. 상품수령후 반드시 사용전압 확인후 변압기 등을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.(전압 미확인에 따른 파손은 보상되지 않습니다)

- 주문이 완료되었더라도 간혹 해외 판매처의 품절 또는 가격인상 등으로 인해 구매가 진행되지 않을 수 있습니다. 이 경우 고객의사에 따라 별도의 환불안내를 드립니다.


상품 정보

단위환산기 수치를 입력하시면 자동환산됩니다. 사이즈 확인 시 참고하세요.
inch = cm
lb = kg
Magic Sculpt 5 Lb. White Epoxy Clay




Product Description

Magic-Sculpt is a two-part epoxy clay specifically designed to meet the needs of modelers, crafters and sculptors alike. One of the only epoxies that will smooth out with water. Its grain structure is finer than any other product available and will not shrink or crack even when formed in large structures. It can be shaped by hand or with modeling tools, sanded, carved, painted; you can attack it with a grinding tool and the cured material will not break apart or lose its shape. Magic-Sculpt will cure at room temperature. Magic-Sculpt. For Crafts and Hobbies, Magic-Sculpt is both a medium and an ingredient for any project requiring sculpting. * Your imagination is the only limit when it comes to devising uses for Magic-Sculpt. * It is very pliable in its mixed form, has excellent adhesion, cleans up easily with soap and water, and will cure to a hard, solid finish that can be painted, sanded or ground. * Magic-Sculpt serves so many purposes it eliminates many of the different formulas cluttering your workspace. And, with its indefinite shelf life, you do not need to worry about whether you have enough of this or that, just keep a stock of Magic-Sculpt sitting on your countertop. * Magic-Sculpt is a two part epoxy putty that comes in two containers, one resin and one hardener. Magic-Sculpt is mixed 1 to 1 by volume in small quantities as you need it. Almost anything can be used as an armature, such as armature wire, metal mesh, styrofoam, wood and balled up tin foil. * Once you have completely mixed the two components, you have about 45 min to 1 hour of working time (depending on the temperature in your workspace, cold = longer working time, hot = shorter working time) Magic-Sculpt will cure fully overnight to a rock hard finish that is easily painted. * The surface of your Magic-Sculpt sculpture can be smoothed with water before it cures. Approximate Coverage in 1/4in thickness 1lb unit = .5 sq ft


No shrinkage
Hand mix two part 50/50
Indoor or outdoor
Brand : Magic Sculpt
MPN(PartNumber) : unknown
EAN : 0654367091937
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