Trtl Pillow

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[해외]Adoric Life Memory Foam Travel Neck Pillow with Ultra Plush Velour Cover, Neck Support Travel Pillow for Airplanes, Cars, Buses, Trains, Office Napping (Brown)
Trtl Pillow
[해외]Adoric Life Memory Foam Travel Neck Pillow with Ultra Plush Velour Cover, Neck Support Travel Pillow for Airplanes, Cars, Buses, Trains, Office Napping (Brown) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Adoric
상품코드 n1547346052200
판매가격 51,000
적립금 0원
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상품 정보

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inch = cm
lb = kg
Adoric Life Memory Foam Travel Neck Pillow with Ultra Plush Velour Cover, Neck Support Travel Pillow for Airplanes, Cars, Buses, Trains, Office Napping (Brown)


Product Description

Enjoy Quality Sleep
The rational design makes it fit the contour between your neck and shoulder, better than traditional u-shaped travel pillow.
Rest your head on the pillow, helps you relieve from fatigue during long
flight/driving/working, gives you comfortable and peaceful sleep.

Premium Material
Soft and comfortable Velour Cover, zipper design makes it detachable and machine-washable.
Elastic and supportive Memory Foam with high-density (120D), snugly supports your head.
Built-in white Cotton Lining provides double-layer protection against tearing when detaching.

Two Ways to Use
Tie it around your neck while sleeping on an airplane, a train, in a car, or even on a layover in an airport.
Fix it on the seats or chairs, hold your head and neck in place while working or napping, makes you relief from neck pain.

Easy to Carry
Only weights 8.11 oz, lightweight and easy to carry with you, make you travel light.
Fits perfectly into small bag, you can put it in luggage or attach it to your body.

Wide Application
Good mate for travelling, long flight, long driving
Sleeping on trains or buses
Napping in the office, on the couch/ chair
Lounging on the sofa to watching TV/reading
Perfect gift for kids, friends and family
A perfect solution to make weary body comfortable

Materials: Velour Cover + Memory Foam
Color: Brown
Weight: 8.11 oz
Size: 7.87*7.87*3.54 in


✔✔HIGH QUALITY: Ultra plush velour fabric with jacquard design, super soft and comfortable. Invisible zipper design makes it easy to be removed for laundering. Machine-washable, no static or irritation.
✔✔ERGONOMIC DESIGN: With butterfly-shaped POM plastic support in the memory foam, conforms to the contour of cervical vertebra, allows your neck and head to lean comfortably against the soft but supportive pillow
✔✔ADJUSTABLE STRAP: The two strong nylon straps and the durable buckles make it easy to be adjusted for comfort, securely support your neck/head from the two sides or from the back (when fix it on the chair.)
✔✔VERSATILE NECK PILLOW: Lightweight and portable, perfect for traveling, car driving, and napping in office, gives you utmost comfort, holds your head upright and prevent neck pain. Great for kids and adults.
✔✔RISK-FREE WARRANTY: Comes with 100% satisfaction guarantee and ONE-YEAR WARRANTY, if you are not 100% satisfied with our memory foam neck pillow, we will replace them or refund your money.
Brand : Adoric
MPN(PartNumber) : 4335350853
EAN : 6469471787768
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 21x21x10cm ; 191 g
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