Trtl Pillow

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[해외]Comfortable Travel Pillow, Get Wrapped in Extreme Comfort with the Comfort Master Neck Pillow, a Memory Foam Pillow that Provides Relief and Support for Travel, Home, Neck Pain, and Many More
Trtl Pillow
[해외]Comfortable Travel Pillow, Get Wrapped in Extreme Comfort with the Comfort Master Neck Pillow, a Memory Foam Pillow that Provides Relief and Support for Travel, Home, Neck Pain, and Many More 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Crafty World
상품코드 n1547040077515
판매가격 89,000원 62,000
적립금 0원
브랜드 Crafty World 브랜드 바로가기
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Comfortable Travel Pillow, Get Wrapped in Extreme Comfort with the Comfort Master Neck Pillow, a Memory Foam Pillow that Provides Relief and Support for Travel, Home, Neck Pain, and Many More






Light Purple

Dark Blue

Dark Grey

Product Description

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...and our comfortable travel pillow.

Bring power and love back into your life by being adventurous and traveling in extreme comfort with the Comfort Master Travel Pillow.

Ready, Set, Nap Time!

* Kiss your neck pain goodbye! You don't have to wake up feeling sore and stiff. The travel neck pillow has been proven and tested to eliminate and relieve neck, shoulder, or upper back pain with its unique ergonomic thermo sensitive memory foam.

* A must have for the weary traveler. Experience comfort fit for royalty! The pillow provides the perfect balance between support & softness. Relax and sleep soundly all throughout your flight.

* Experience real comfort at home or in the office. The memory foam pillow is perfect even to those who don't travel. It provides proper head, shoulder, and neck alignment for those who need extra support sitting down at home or working in the office.

* Show your aging loved ones that you care. The perfect gift for the elderly. The pillow can also be used by post-op patients and those suffering from chronic neck pain, neck injuries, or upper back pain.

* A pillow paradise for your neck. It is 12 X 11.5 X 3.5 inches and can easily mold to your neck for the perfect fit, everytime.

* Easy to carry and clean. It comes with an elastic strap that can easily be attached to your luggage and a soft velour washable cover with zip.

* We have your back. Included is a 5 year manufacturer 100% money back guarantee. If you are unhappy with the pillow for any reason, just let us know and we will happily refund your money.

To travel is to live but to travel comfortably is living life to its fullest. Live your life to the fullest by ordering the Comfort Master Pillow now and consider buying another one for loved ones by clicking The Add To Cart Button Above.


EVERYONE DESERVES COMFORT FIT FOR ROYALTY. Kiss discomfort and neck pain goodbye! The travel neck pillow is scientifically tested to be the ideal pillow for those suffering from chronic neck, shoulder, or upper back pain.
EXPERIENCE LOVE AT FIRST NAP. Sleep peacefully all throughout your flight or journey. The perfect companion for those traveling in planes, cars, trains, buses, and more. It provides optimal neck and shoulder support to give you a more relaxing trip.
MAXIMIZE YOUR COMFORT AT HOME OR IN THE OFFICE. This is the perfect travel pillow even for those who don't travel. The neck pillow is versatile and can be used for extra support when sleeping at night, relaxing at home or working in the office.
PROVIDES YOU WITH THE PERFECT FIT EVERYTIME. Created using high quality thermo sensitive memory foam, it easily and comfortably molds to your neck for the perfect fit. It comes with a soft velour removable cover that's soft to the touch.
LIFETIME MANUFACTURER MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. In a very unlikely event where you think that the pillow isn't the "perfect fit", we offer you a lifetime manufacturer guarantee. Add the Comfort Master Travel Pillow to your cart now and experience extreme comfort fit for royalty.
Brand : Crafty World
Item model num : Comfort Master
MPN(PartNumber) : Comfort Master
EAN : 0702795692094
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 12x28x9cm ; 336 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 30x22x10cm ; 336 g
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