Trtl Pillow

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[해외]Pon Travel Pillow Luxury Memory Foam Neck & Head Support Pillow Soft Sleeping Rest Cushion for Airplane Car & Home Best Gift(Pink)
Trtl Pillow
[해외]Pon Travel Pillow Luxury Memory Foam Neck & Head Support Pillow Soft Sleeping Rest Cushion for Airplane Car & Home Best Gift(Pink) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Pon
상품코드 n1547040069336
판매가격 81,000원 54,000
적립금 0원
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상품 정보

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Pon Travel Pillow Luxury Memory Foam Neck & Head Support Pillow Soft Sleeping Rest Cushion for Airplane Car & Home Best Gift(Pink)










Product Description

Our memory foam pillow will give you comfortable support and it will always hug you. You will love this! Give it a try and you'll see why we are confident this is the best pillow available.

Best Material
Our Pillow constructed with high quality memory foam , Luxurious and breathable with a heavenly polyester plush velour outer cover for unrivaled comfort.

Farewell tired and happy journey
Scientifically designed for ultimate comfort, Whether you're driving or flying on an airplane to your next vacation destination, our travel neck pillow is perfect for short or long trips and will provide unrivaled support and stability for the entirety of your travels.

Adjustable Buckle and Strap
The neck pillow has an adjustable buckle and sturdy strap, which greatly meets the different needs for large and thin neck size. You can adjust the tightness according to your preference.

Washable Velour Cover
The neck pillow is covered by premium velour, it is removable, washable and crease-resistan

A Good Gift Choice
The pillow is useful for all age people. The elegant and classic color is loved by both men and women. It will be no doubt being a perfect gift to your friends, parents and relatives.

Packaging Includes
1*pillowslip 1*Pillow core
1*Pillow storage bag
1*adjustable sleep mask
memory foam earplugs


U-shaped Neck Care: Fit the cervical spine, enhance the supporting effect, Relieve the shoulder and neck fatigue.
Ergonomic Design: Multi-angle protection of the cervical spine - the rear hump shape fixed cervical spine, to prevent the head side slip; both sides of the groove, natural fit, to reduce the amount of bone pressure; front plus high, to prevent excessive head down Tilt, conducive to cervical line health protection.
Material: High-grade 5-second slow rebound memory cotton pillow core, comfortable and breathable, pillowcase made of Super soft silver fox texture plush velour fine soft, not pilling, not fade, give your skin mild care.
Perfect Travel Partner: Adjustable rope design, easy to adapt to a variety of body size, easy to adjust the comfort,efect for cars, by plane, travel and at home.
WARRANTY: PON offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with our product or service for any reason, please feel free to contact us. We will either refund your money or redeliver a new product.
Brand : Pon
Item model num : PON044
MPN(PartNumber) : PON044-1
EAN : 5060231062180
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 28x25x14cm ; 358 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 28x24x12cm ; 358 g
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