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[해외]iPhone 8/iPhone 7 Case,PITAKA Aramid Fiber[Real Body Armor Material] Phone Case,Ultra Slim(0.65mm) Exact Fit with Lightweight(8g) Durable Snap-on Case for iPhone 7/iPhone 8 - Black/Rose Gold(Twill)
[해외]iPhone 8/iPhone 7 Case,PITAKA Aramid Fiber[Real Body Armor Material] Phone Case,Ultra Slim(0.65mm) Exact Fit with Lightweight(8g) Durable Snap-on Case for iPhone 7/iPhone 8 - Black/Rose Gold(Twill) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 pitaka
상품코드 n1545569251143
판매가격 91,000원 71,000
적립금 0원
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inch = cm
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iPhone 8/iPhone 7 Case,PITAKA Aramid Fiber[Real Body Armor Material] Phone Case,Ultra Slim(0.65mm) Exact Fit with Lightweight(8g) Durable Snap-on Case for iPhone 7/iPhone 8 - Black/Rose Gold(Twill)









Normal Case-Black/golden-iPhone8/iPhone7

MagCase-Black/Grey (Plain)-iPhone8/iPhone7

MagCase-Black/Grey (Twill)-iPhone8/iPhone7

MagCase-Black/Red (Twill)-iPhone8/iPhone7

Normal Case-Black/red Plain-iPhone8/iPhone7

Normal Case-Black/yellow-iPhone8/iPhone7


Product Description

The aramid series is classy and stylish, ready for anything whether it is a casual gathering or a formal event, the aramid series always looks the part.

These cases are made from aramid fibres, which were originally developed for use in aerospace and military applications. By using this complex material in our phone cases, PITAKA is committed to designing cases that can provide excellent protection for your phone, fit in with your individual needs as well as highlight your personal style.

The aramid series has the following key features:
- High strength
- Good resistance to abrasion
- Good resistance to organic solvents
- Non-conductive - will not affect signal strength
- No melting point
- Low flammability

Thanks to our patented technology, we design and manufacture the lightest, the thinnest and the 'perfect-touch' feeling case.Aramid fibre material is 5 times stronger than the steel at the same weight, which makes the case rugged enough to withstand any drops, bumps, shock and impact. Moreover, the aramid case is eco-friendly as it contains no metal.

Mr.Pittman (a US mechanical engineer) and Mr.Yutaka (a Japanese designer) created PITAKA. Both of them love the iPhone and hate to see its beauty obscured. So they created the PITAKA team with the primary objective of creating unique phone cases that are true to their original design aesthetics.
As the inventor of the aramid case and the aramidcore technology, PITAKA is now the global leader of aramid phone cases and aramidcore accessories. Each product is designed and created with precision and the philosophy "stay slim, stay simple".

Compatible with
iPhone 7

Package Includes
1x Aramid Case
1 x Tempered glass screen protector
1 x Microfiber cloth
1 x Dust absorber
1 x Alcohol pad

Warm Reminder
iPhone is not included in the package.


Exclusive Material. Thickness 0.03in. Min. Weight 0.28oz. So light that you even will not feel the weight increase to your phone. Yet, with unparalleled protection from everyday "real world" drops.
NO metal plates inside. Easily and naturally access all buttons and ports. Each opening is not only accurately aligned, but also at natural "surface level". No longer do need to use your pinky's fingernail to dig under a thick case toggle the Ring/Silent button.
Slim and Sensuous With "Body Armor Grade" Protection and ZERO Compromise, made of 100% Aramid Fiber. Now, your phone is protected with the same material used in body armor, spacecraft, jet engines, and Formula 1 Race cars. Yet, it retains the thinness of your iPhone the day you purchased it -- before it was covered up with an thick bulky case.
A Soft 3D-Grip touch. Texture you need to feel to believe. It almost clings to your hand without feeling sticky. Extraordinarily scratch resistant and non-slip. A protective three-layer coating and manual polishing is applied to each phone case. Now feel confident carrying your phone in purse or pocket along with keys and coins.
A turnkey solution for protection with premium AGC tempered glass screen protector from Japan---Package Includes : 1 * Aramid case for iPhone 8/ iPhone 7; 1 * AGC Tempered glass screen protector.
Brand : pitaka
MPN(PartNumber) : KI7007
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 14x7x1cm ; 68 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 19x10x3cm ; 68 g
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