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[해외]Bluetooth Mouse Rechargeable for Notebook Pro Air PC Laptop Wireless Bluetooth Mouse for Laptop Bluetooth Mouse for MAC MacBook air/pro Sliver
[해외]Bluetooth Mouse Rechargeable for Notebook Pro Air PC Laptop Wireless Bluetooth Mouse for Laptop Bluetooth Mouse for MAC MacBook air/pro Sliver 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 n1545361832766
판매가격 34,000
적립금 0원
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상품 정보

단위환산기 수치를 입력하시면 자동환산됩니다. 사이즈 확인 시 참고하세요.
inch = cm
lb = kg
Bluetooth Mouse Rechargeable for Notebook Pro Air PC Laptop Wireless Bluetooth Mouse for Laptop Bluetooth Mouse for MAC MacBook air/pro Sliver






Product Description

The Bluetooth 4.0 mouse doesn't need any receivers
feature of product:

First, built-in 400mAH A product lithium battery, configuration charging line, like a mobile phone, easy to charge, more scientific, charge and discharge of more than 500 times, the mouse no longer need to buy a battery. Allows you to stop worrying about the power of your mouse when you are working or entertaining. It relieves your worries and makes you more Emotional work and entertainment also save time and worry more.

two The use of blue or lightless driving engine gives you an unprecedented experience, no longer glare, more energy saving, energy saving and environmental protection.

Third, the use of imported PAN3205 optical IC, across the surface of a strong, configuration 1600dpi optical resolution, sensitivity is super good.

Fourth, due to the same type of mouse Everyone feels too light when using it. This mouse increases the weight of the mouse, built-in aggravated iron, and makes the mouse feel more comfortable.

V. Bluetooth pairing operation is simple, open the computer Bluetooth to add the device into the search state, while pressing the mouse pairing button Black Activation Button on the Back of Mouse ,3 -5 seconds .Your computer Bluetooth search device will display the Bluetooth mouse 4.0, and then click on the connection.

Sixth, this paragraph mouse beautiful, elegant, disposable mold, never fade. And with automatic power saving mode function, will automatically power off when not in use, double click the left mouse button to restart the mouse. Dear friends, this bluetooth mouse doesn't need any receiver itself. Applicable to their own notebook computer with Bluetooth, mac full range of computers, windows8 , Android, XP and windows7 system Tablet PC

size: 113mm x 58mm x23mm weight : 3.2 oz
package: Bluetooth mouse x1, USB Charging Cable x1,


✪AUTO ENERGY-SAVINGSLEEPING MODE: Li-polymer batteries,high cycle life.the Auto Switch Off function will help you save energy as your bluetooth mouse will switch off when your PC is turned off or the receiver is disconnected. If you do not use the mouse for eight minutes, it will go to sleeping mode, you can press the any button to weak it up.
✪BUILT-IN BATTERY:Built-in battery,easy to charge by micro usb cable,no more need for extra AAA battery.please please keep the mouse power switch in "ON" position when charging .
✪WIDE COMPATIBILITY:Compatible with most system including Windows, Fit for Notebook, PC, Laptop, Computer,
✪QUALITY GUARANTEE: One year quality warranty for this bluetooth mouse from PeiBO
PEIBO mouse is an authorized seller of PEIBO products, products purchased from a non-authorized seller/distributor may be fake and will not be covered by our warranty. Also, we use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service. Amazon picks, packs, and ships our orders, which ensures fast shipping.
Brand : PEIBO
MPN(PartNumber) : 2
EAN : 0687551639943
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 12x6x3cm ; 109 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 12x8x5cm ; 109 g
do not remove - ntos connect log tag
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