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[해외]Smart Watch for Kids - Smart 시계 for Boys Smartwatch GPS Tracker Watch Wrist Android Mobile 카메라 Cell Phone Best Gift for Girls Children boy Pink Blue Yellow (Pink)
[해외]Smart Watch for Kids - Smart 시계 for Boys Smartwatch GPS Tracker Watch Wrist Android Mobile 카메라 Cell Phone Best Gift for Girls Children boy Pink Blue Yellow (Pink) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 n1544454234171
판매가격 74,000
적립금 0원
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상품 정보

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Smart Watch for Kids - Smart 시계 for Boys Smartwatch GPS Tracker Watch Wrist Android Mobile 카메라 Cell Phone Best Gift for Girls Children boy Pink Blue Yellow (Pink)









Product Description

WE RECOMMEND 2G SPEEDTALK MOBILE SIM card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075QNH2HP


Perfect Companion for Your Child

Do you always find yourself worried about your child's whereabouts and would love to have a way of keeping track of their activities at all times? The Smarturtle smart wrist watch for kids is just what you need. It is full of handy features designed to give any parent complete peace of mind when the kid is out of sight. It has a remove voice and camera monitor that lets you see and hear what your kid is doing, AGPS+LPS positioning system to keep track of your child's movement, SOS feature to let you know when your kid needs your assistance, and more.

Ideal for Use In And Out of Class

Children get distracted easily, and having a gadget in class will most certainly cause lots of distraction. Our GPS tracker watches however, have a 'Forbidden in Class' feature that lets you set timers when your child is usually in class. When activated, this feature disables the touch feature.

High Quality Make

We are dedicated to creating nothing but the best, and that is why we used only the highest quality materials and latest technology to design and make our kids smart watches. You are therefore guaranteed a tough product that will withstand everything your kid subjects it to.

Reasons this is the best GPS smart watch for your kid:

  • Cool design will have your kid love it at first sight
  • Has everything a parent needs for complete peace of mind
  • Build to withstand rough use

Smarturtle is the go-to brand for top quality GPS tracker watches that are made to cater for the needs of both parents and children. Click 'Add to Cart' now and get your kid one. It comes with a money guarantee too.


LETS YOU REMOTELY MONITOR YOUR CHILD: Our smart watch for kids has a remote camera and voice monitor that lets you know what your kid is doing any time of day. Simply dial the number and the smartwatch for boys will automatically answer, letting you secretly watch and hear what your kid is doing.
SOS EMERGENCY CALL FEATURE: When in distress, your kid can use this smart watches boys GPS to inform you thanks to an intuitive SOS feature. Pressing the SOS button on the kids smartwatch for 3 seconds alternatively calls the preset numbers until someone answers the phone. You can set up to 3 SOS numbers.
KEEPS TRACK OF YOUR KID'S LOCATION: This GPS tracker watch for kids uses dual positioning systems based on Assisted GPS (AGPS) and Local Base Station (LBS) to give accurate, real-time information on your child's location with smart watch for children. You can easily track your kid's movements and know where they are any time of day.
RESTRICT USAGE TO OUTSIDE CLASS: To ensure your kid is attentive in class, we programmed a classroom feature that restricts usage of the smart watches for kids android at certain times of the day. Simply set times when your kid is usually in class and the gps watch for girls will be automatically disabled during these times.
GUARANTEED SATISFACTION: You are guaranteed complete satisfaction every time you choose to buy our GPS watches for kids. They have multiple features that make it handy for any kid: alarm, pedometer, sleep control, find watch, rewards, quick learning, voice chat and more. Kids tracker watch also supports 2G data traffic via micro SIM card (not included). Click 'Add to Cart' now!
Brand : OLTEC
EAN : 0786032816382
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 5x6x2cm ; 136 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 9x9x8cm ; 136 g
do not remove - ntos connect log tag
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