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[해외]External DVD CD Drive,Valoin High Speed USB 3.0 Data Transfer Ultra-Slim Portable External CD DVD Burner Superdrive For PC Desktop Laptop
[해외]External DVD CD Drive,Valoin High Speed USB 3.0 Data Transfer Ultra-Slim Portable External CD DVD Burner Superdrive For PC Desktop Laptop 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Valoin
상품코드 n1543845568952
판매가격 66,000원 52,000
적립금 0원
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inch = cm
lb = kg
External DVD CD Drive,Valoin High Speed USB 3.0 Data Transfer Ultra-Slim Portable External CD DVD Burner Superdrive For PC Desktop Laptop









Product Description

External DVD CD Drive,Valoin High Speed USB 3.0 Data Transfer Ultra-Slim Portable External CD DVD Burner Superdrive For PC Desktop Laptop Mac OS /Windows /Linux,White 【Main Features】 ☞100% Brand New and High Quality ☞No need to install the driver program, support plug and play. ☞USB 3.0 CD drive provide faster data transfer speed, up to 5Gbps. ☞Ultra Slim and Light Weight,Classic Appearance Designed. ☞Embedded Cable Design,convenient for carry ☞Brand New Import Chip, Power Ability to Correct Errors, Shockproof, Low Level Noise 【Specifications】 ❤Interface:Standard USB 3.0 (Backward compatible with USB 2.0) ❤ Compatible Operation Systems:Windows98/SE/ME/2000/XP/VISTA/Win7/Win 8/Mac OS 8.6 and More ❤Compatible with:PC,Laptop,Comprehensive Computer,Super PC,Internet PC hard disk reader ❤Supportive Installing Systems:XP,Win 7,Win 8 ❤Reading Speed:DVD-ROM 8X; CD-ROM 24X ❤Writing Speed:DVD-R,DVD+R 8X;DVD-RW 4X;CD-R 24X ❤Supportive Disk Format:12cm ❤Net Weight:300G ❤Dimensions:14*14*1.2 cm 【Introductions】 ➤1.This product is a data line interface properly to USB port of the computer, the computer display lower corner should opera device icon. ➤2.Click on the desktop, open the "my computer", in the mobile storage device should display the drive icon. ➤3.Click on this icon button, select the "pop" in the tray into the appropriate disk read ➤4.Do not place the drive close to any magnetic object. ➤5.To ensure normal running,please place the drive on flat desktop, do not place the drive under any pressure. 【Package included】 ✓1*USB CD/DVD Drive(Optical Disk is not included) ✓1*Standard USB 3.0 Embedded Cable ✓1*User Manual


【Plug & Play Technology】No driver program or extra power supply required, connect it via USB ports.It comes with standard USB 3.0 transmission which provides faster data transfer rates.
【High Speed Writing&Reading】Using advanced intelligent burning technology,this external drive supports DVD+R, DVD-R, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW. Max.Reading Speed:DVD-ROM 8X;CD-ROM 24X;Max.Writing Speed:DVD-R,DVD+R 8X;DVD-RW 4X;CD-R 24X.
【Wide Compatibility】This external drive compatible with Windows 98 / SE / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 10/8/7,Mac OS 8.6 and More.Perfect designed for all kinds of devices,including PC,Laptop,Comprehensive Computer,Internal PC hard disk reader.
【Design with Portability】It has a sleek design that offers portability and is packed with features that offer high performance and reliability. Embedded cable design is a bonus,convenient for storage and carry.
【Multifunction DVD Drive】Powerful error corection function,shockproof,low noise,horizontal and vertical manipulation.It allows you to listen to music/watch DVD movies with no lag,burn files,install software and create a backup CD and so on.
Brand : Valoin
MPN(PartNumber) : 201800413DVD
EAN : 0880603095791
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 17x17x3cm ; 363 g
do not remove - ntos connect log tag
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