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[해외]Parrot AR. Drone 2.0 Quadricopter Power Edition
[해외]Parrot AR. Drone 2.0 Quadricopter Power Edition 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Parrot
상품코드 n1542790258800
판매가격 774,000
적립금 0원
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상품 정보

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inch = cm
lb = kg
Parrot AR. Drone 2.0 Quadricopter Power Edition



















Product Description

Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Power Edition with Wifi and HD Recording for Apple and Android Phones - Red

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The Ultimate Wi-Fi Controlled Quadricopter

With the ‘Power Edition’, fans of AR. Drone 2.0 can take advantage of the new high density Lithium-Polymer battery which increases the battery life of the quadricopter from 12 to 18 minutes! The Power Edition includes 2 HD batteries for up to 36 minutes of flight.

In addition to the standard black propellers, the ‘Power Edition’ has three additional sets of propellers. Red, orange or blue, every pilot can customize their AR. Drone 2.0 Power Edition to create a unique and exclusive aircraft. The indoor and outdoor hulls have been redesigned to show off a matte black hull giving the AR. Drone 2.0 Power Edition an even more mysterious look. With up to 36 minutes of flight time, release all the potential of your Parrot AR. Drone 2.0 Power Edition and become the master of the skies.

HD Battery (High Density)

The HD battery is a three-cell Lithium-Polymer battery with a capacity of 1500 mAh at 11.1 volts with a discharge capacity of 10C. It includes a protection circuit (PCM) which protects the battery against excessive charging or discharging as well as short circuits. The estimated flight time with the HD battery is up to 18 minutes.

Record and Share in HD

As you fly, the HD video is recorded and sent directly to your device. With one click, upload your video from the user-friendly interface seamlessly to YouTube or share your pictures on Picasa. With the new piloting application, everything is simple and done wirelessly in an instant. For pilots looking to shoot longer videos, a USB plug-in has been added for larger recording storage.

Join a Community of Pilots

Keep track of your flight data, location, photos and videos and share them with a community of other pilots from all over the world thanks to the AR. Drone Academy. Check who is flying in your neighborhood or watch videos from pilots on the other side of the world!


Download AR. FreeFlight 2.0, the free control application, on the App Store or Google Play and you are ready to fly! By tilting your device, you control the direction of your AR. Drone 2.0 Power Edition, and by releasing it, the AR. Drone 2.0 Power Edition is instantly stabilized.

Explore More

With the new AR. Drone 2.0-generated Wi-Fi n Connection, you can fly as far as 165 feet away (50 meters). The AR. Drone 2.0 Power Edition pressure sensors on-board provide unique stability that will automatically correct and maintain a still position in the air regardless of altitude and wind up to 15 m/h.

Pilot like a Pro

Thanks to the autopilot feature on the AR. Drone 2.0 Power Edition, anyone can be an expert as the embedded sensors allow for easy take-off and landing. The new AR. Drone 2.0 Power Edition also features the exclusive and patented Absolute Control piloting mode for beginners that can be adjusted with your growing expertise.

The Flip

This flip move is exclusive to AR. Drone 2.0! Become a daring pilot and perform barrel rolls by simply hitting a button.


Easily updates to meet FAA requirements
Intuitive piloting through Smartphone/tablet control
Automatic stabilization system for assisted control for indoor and outdoor flight
Live video streaming and HD video recording
36 minutes of flying time
2 HD Batteries included
Brand : Parrot
Item model num : PF721005BI
MPN(PartNumber) : PF721003AG
EAN : 7503021654083
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 59x59x13cm ; 2100 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 57x57x16cm ; 2100 g
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