You have a wide array of choices when it comes to reusable K-cups and Carafes on Amazon. Here's why this is the one to buy:
- Our plastic really is BPA free.
- Our mesh really is 100% pure food grade stainless steel.
- Our lids really do keep the grounds in the pod (not sprayed all over the inside of your machine).
- Our K-Cups really can be washed in your dishwasher.
- Our K-Cups really do fit all of the models listed above.
- And when we say 100% satisfaction guarantee, we REALLY mean that you get a refund if you're not loving the reusable pods!
So really, buy it once. And make sure it's the real deal when you do.
At K&J we're serious coffee people. Since premade K-cups just don't cut it anymore, we searched far and wide for a good reusable cup that would give us the flexibility to brew exactly what each of us liked and would last a long time to boot. After trying countless reusable K-carafes and K-cups on Amazon (including ones with shapes stamped into them, gold coating, and other gimmicks) and suffering innumerable blowouts, leaks, and clogs, we came to the conclusion that if we wanted it done right, we'd just have to make our own.
So here you have it; a solid, functional, reusable hot drink brewing apparatus that is about as close to commercial grade as one can without breaking the bank.
Enjoy an earthy mug of freshly stove-roasted Blue Mountain coffee, ground right before you brew it. Or a light, contemplative cup of purple-leaf green tea. We recommend keeping one K-cup for tea and one for coffee if you like both.
Whatever you're brewing, we would love to hear from you in the review section below. And if you ever need help with something, including clever K-cup recipes, just reach out and we'll get back to you within 24 hours!
Get your 4-pack today!
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