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[해외]BC Master 4 Port USB Hub, Hub USB 3.0 Data USB Extension Cable Splitter with Micro USB Charging Port, 1.2m cable and LED Indicator for PC
[해외]BC Master 4 Port USB Hub, Hub USB 3.0 Data USB Extension Cable Splitter with Micro USB Charging Port, 1.2m cable and LED Indicator for PC 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 BC Master
상품코드 n1538373688544
판매가격 53,000원 27,000
적립금 0원
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BC Master 4 Port USB Hub, Hub USB 3.0 Data USB Extension Cable Splitter with Micro USB Charging Port, 1.2m cable and LED Indicator for PC






Product Description

BC Master's Hot-Swappable, Driverless, Compact, Portable 4-Port USB 3.0 and 2.0 Data Hub Featuring 5Gbps for PC 

Are you sick and tired of running out of USB ports and needing to lug around heavy, unwieldy USB hubs that require pesky drivers? The BC Master Ultra Compact 4-Port USB 3.0 Hub is designed to deliver convenient access to high-speed USB 3.0 connections and save you time. It is 100% driver free which means you just plug 'n' play and have access to to all of your devices. It features insanely fast data transfers of up to 5 gigabytes per second and it does all of this while being small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Just grab it, throw it in your bag, and rest assured that you will have all the USB ports you need at a moment's notice!


Portable Working on the go? With its palm-sized and lightweight design, this 4-port hub gives you high-speed access to all of your devices but doesn't clog up your pocket or bag, so you can take this mobile USB work station anywhere you go. 

Super Speed

No drivers required, this hub gives you immediate access to blazing speeds. With data transfer rates of up to 5Gbps, you'll be able to sync files and interact with your Mac or PC more efficiently than ever.

Full Functionality

This hub supports hot swapping, plug and play. It also features surge protection, temperature control and more advanced safety features to keep you and your devices safe.


- The 4 USB 3.0 Ports of this hub are not designed to serve as a stand-alone chargers, and won't be able to charge iPads or any other power-hungry devices; 

- May not work with 2.4GHz wireless devices such as wireless keyboard and mouse adapters;

- Some USB 3.0 devices require a direct connection to host ports, including certain hard disks such as Seagate and Apple Superdrives.


Tired of not having enough ports for all the latest high-tech devices? Turn one of your computer's USB ports into four. *** Extra 4ft/ 1.2m long cable, No more extension.!!***
Transfer with blazing speeds of up to 5 Gbps. This is 10 times faster than USB 2.0. This device is also backwards compatible with USB 2.0. Keep in mind that the speeds will vary depending on your connected devices' limitations.
This plug 'n' play device is hot-swappable and it does not require any software, drivers, or other complicated installation process.
This USB hub is palm-sized and lightweight, making it easy to grab and go. Take all your ports with you in the palm of your hand.
BC Master gives you a 24-month warranty and a 30-day refund policy for any problems related to a new product.
Brand : BC Master
MPN(PartNumber) : BCM-HA01
EAN : 0615435101507
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 18x8x2cm ; 68 g
do not remove - ntos connect log tag
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