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[해외]Kurio Xtreme 2 Tablet: 7" Touch Screen, Quad Core, 16GB Storage, Android 5.0 Lollipop (Certified Refurbished)
[해외]Kurio Xtreme 2 Tablet: 7" Touch Screen, Quad Core, 16GB Storage, Android 5.0 Lollipop (Certified Refurbished) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Kurio
상품코드 n1538347768743
판매가격 122,000원 107,000
적립금 0원
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상품 정보

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Kurio Xtreme 2 Tablet: 7" Touch Screen, Quad Core, 16GB Storage, Android 5.0 Lollipop (Certified Refurbished)




Product Description

Technical Specifications - Display: 7 inch capacitive touch screen, 5-point touch - Resolution: 1024 x 600 pixels - Chipset: Mediatek MTK8127 Quad-Core - Operatig System: AndroidTM 5.0 Lollipop® - Storage Memory: 16GB - Ram: 1GB - Camera: Front: 0,3 Mpx / Rear: 2,1 Mpx - Connectivity: Wi-Fi, 802,11 b/g/n - Bluetooth v4.0 - Micro HDMI - Speakers: 1 x 1W mono - Languages: Supports multi languages - USB Connection: Micro USB 2.0 - OTG support - Battery: Lithium Polymer battery 2820 mAh - Micro SDHC Card Slot: Add up to 32 GB of extra memory* (*for storage purpose only) Kurio Genius Internet Filtering System - Filters, categorizes and updates 450+ Million websites daily to keep kids safe online! - Choose one of our pre-defined web filter settings or create your own custom web filters! - Allow and block inappropriate content by managing safe and block lists easily! - Parents can easily set the strictness of controls and can lessen controls as a child grows! Manage Apps - Allow or Block any app easily! - Kurio Xtreme's App Management System allows parents to choose the apps their children have access to! - All Parent approved apps will automatically appear on your child's Kurio! Manage Tablet Use - Easily set time limits for play for everyday of the week in just a few clicks! - Set Time controls, Daily Play Time & Learning Time, Maximum Session Use and More! Profile Management - Set up to 8 completely independent user profiles! It's like 8 tablets in 1! - Manage apps and set time limits for each profile. - Each profile offers fully separate files, apps, web filtering, downloads, parental controls and more! Get Moving with Our Exclusive Kurio Motion Games! - The 1st Tablet with Body Motion Gaming! Get kids up and moving! - Now with 2 players and exclusive Dance game! Packed with Apps, Games and More!


🎁 PERFECT FOR KIDS! Do homework, watch YouTube and more! Play games, including exclusive Kurio motion games to keep kids moving! Download popular games such as Fruit Ninja, Subway Surfers, Jetpack Joyride and More! Access over 150 eBooks, and find additional apps and games using the KIDOZ store and Google PlayTM.
🔒 FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE: This tablet comes ready to use right out of the box with AndroidTM 5.0 Lollipop®. Set it up to fit your children's personality and interests. Set parental controls via Kurio Genius Internet Filtering System, including time limits, App Management System for app blocking, internet filtering and more!
💾 MASSIVE STORAGE: 16GB of internal memory included to suit all of your needs. Add up to 32GB of extra memory via the Micro SDHC card slot (Card not included). Runs on a Mediatek MTK8127 1.3 GHz Quad-Core ARM Processor, 1GB RAM, 0.3Mpx Front camera, 2Mpx Rear camera, 7 inch capacitive touch screen, 5-point touch (1024x600 High-Resolution), Wi-Fi b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, Micro HDMI, Powered by a 2820mAh LiPo battery.
🔧 PROFESSIONALLY REFURBISHED: Prepared in our state of the art facility and held to the same vigorous quality standards as our other refurbished PC products. Handled with care and reset to factory conditions, this tablet looks and functions as though it were brand new! Package includes Kurio Xtreme 2 tablet, Kurio Stand, Blue Protective Bumper, Home Charger, USB Cable.
This Certified Refurbished product is tested and certified to look & work like new. The refurbishing process includes functionality testing, basic cleaning, inspection, and repackaging. The product ships with relevant accessories, a minimum 90-day warranty, and may arrive in a generic box. Only select sellers who maintain a high performance bar may offer Certified Refurbished products on Amazon.com.
Brand : Kurio
MPN(PartNumber) : Xtreme 2
EAN : 0636350721052
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 25x17x6cm ; 603 g
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