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[해외]Fire HD 8 Tablet with Alexa, 8" HD Display, 16 GB, Black - with Special Offers
[해외]Fire HD 8 Tablet with Alexa, 8" HD Display, 16 GB, Black - with Special Offers 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Amazon
상품코드 n1538212692845
판매가격 137,000
적립금 0원
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Fire HD 8 Tablet with Alexa, 8" HD Display, 16 GB, Black - with Special Offers









16 GB-With Special Offers-Black

16 GB-With Special Offers-Canary Yellow

16 GB-With Special Offers-Marine Blue

16 GB-With Special Offers-Punch Red

32 GB-Without Special Offers-Black

32 GB-With Special Offers-Black

32 GB-With Special Offers-Canary Yellow

32 GB-With Special Offers-Marine Blue

32 GB-With Special Offers-Punch Red

Product Description

The all-new Fire HD 8 is the next generation of our best-reviewed Fire tablet ever--with up to 12 hours of battery life, a vibrant 8" HD display, and Dolby Audio--made for all day entertainment.

Engineered by Amazon

Engineered by Amazon

Fast and responsive

Enjoy your entertainment with a fast 1.3 GHz quad-core processor. Fire HD 8 offers 50% more RAM than Fire 7 for faster performance.

Vibrant HD display

Fire HD 8 features a 1280 x 800 high-definition display with over a million pixels (189 ppi) and a bright, vivid picture. Enjoy movies and games in a crisp, clear HD resolution, with less glare and more brightness thanks to a stunning IPS (in-plane-switching) LCD display.

No more worrying about storage space

With 2X more internal storage than Fire 7, Fire HD 8 comes standard with 16 GB. Expand your tablet’s storage by up to 256 GB using a microSD card, and keep photos, movies, and compatible games and apps with you. Plus enjoy free unlimited cloud storage for all your Amazon content and photos taken with your Fire tablet.

Power when you need it

Now with up to 12 hours of mixed-use battery life, Fire HD 8 gives you the flexibility to go where the day takes you.

Capture life's moments

Fire HD 8 features a 2 MP rear-facing camera for taking photos or shooting 720p video. The front-facing VGA camera is perfect for Skype calls with friends and family.

Stands up to everyday life

Amazon engineers Fire tablets to hold up against everyday life. As measured in tumble tests, Fire HD 8 is more durable than the latest iPad and 2x more durable than iPad mini 4 (and costs a lot less too).

Designed for Entertainment

Designed for Entertainment


Choose from millions of Kindle eBook and magazine titles that you won't be able to find anywhere else. Over 1 million titles are priced at $2.99 or less. Or read as much as you want with a Kindle Unlimited subscription for just $9.99 a month. Connect with the largest online community of book lovers on Goodreads.

Read comfortably at night with Blue Shade, an exclusive Fire OS feature that automatically adjusts and optimizes the backlight for a more comfortable nighttime reading experience.


Enjoy all your favorite movies and TV shows on Amazon Video, Netflix, HBO NOW, Sling TV, and more. Discover hundreds of thousands of TV episodes and movies, plus fling Amazon Video content to your TV using Second Screen. Enhance your video experience with features you only get from Amazon, including On Deck for watching videos anywhere, ASAP for fast video streaming, and X-Ray to go behind the scenes of your favorite movies and TV shows while you watch.

Watch downloaded videos anywhere with a Prime membership, Netflix plan, or Showtime subscription —on a plane, on vacation, in the car, or wherever you don't have a wireless connection.


Fire tablets feature instant access to over 600,000 of the most popular free and best-selling games, social media, premium TV and movie provider apps, and so much more. Choose from top titles including Candy Crush Saga, Township, Mobile Strike, and more.


With millions of songs from thousands of artists, the Amazon Digital Music Store brings all your favorite music to your fingertips. Music you buy on your Fire tablet is saved to Your Music Library for free, and you can play or download it anytime.

Unlock more music with Amazon Music Unlimited, just $7.99 per month for Prime members ($9.99 per month for non-Prime members).

Audible offers more than 180,000 titles in audiobooks, including best sellers, romances, thrillers, and much more.

Meet Alexa

Meet Alexa

Alexa on Fire tablets

Alexa provides quick access to the entertainment you want, including music, games, audiobooks, and more. You can also ask Alexa questions, check your calendar, get news, find sports scores, and even control your smart home. All you have to do is press and ask.

One press. Millions of possibilities.

When connected to Wi-Fi simply press the home button for one second then ask. Alexa will respond to you and will even show visual responses to certain questions.

Everyday made easier

Alexa on Fire tablets helps make everyday easier. Just press and ask to set alarms and timers, check traffic, your calendar, to-do or shopping lists, and more. You can order millions of items with your voice, such as household and personal care products.

Be entertained

Whether you’re looking for your favorite playlist or need a quick joke, you can ask Alexa. Just press and ask for a song, artist or genre, and stream directly over Wi-Fi. Alexa also provides voice control for Amazon Music, Pandora, iHeartRadio, TuneIn, and more.

Stay informed

Now you can ask Alexa a question and get an immediate voice response. When you press and ask, Alexa can pull up your Flash Briefing, Wikipedia articles, news, sports scores, and more.

Voice control your smart home

Alexa works with devices such as lights, switches, thermostats, and more from SmartThings, Insteon, Nest, ecobee, and Wink. Switch on the lamp before getting out of bed, turn on the fan or change the temperature on your thermostat while reading in your favorite chair, or dim the lights from the couch to watch a movie—just press and ask.

The best of Prime

Try Prime free for a month

If you haven't tried Amazon Prime in the past, we'll give you a 30-day free trial. Experience what millions of members already enjoy—unlimited streaming of thousands of hit movies and TV episodes, ad-free access to over a million songs, over a thousand Kindle books, and Free Two-Day Shipping on millions of items

Unlimited reading on any device

Prime Reading gives you unlimited access to over a thousand books, current magazines, comics, Kindle Singles, and more. With any device – including your phone, tablet, or Kindle – you can read however you want, whenever you want.

Stream thousands of movies and TV episodes with Prime Video

With Amazon Prime, members enjoy unlimited streaming of thousands of movies and TV episodes at no additional cost, including award-winning Amazon Original series Transparent, top HBO shows like True Blood, Girls, and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

No Wi-Fi, no problem—Prime Video downloads

Exclusive to Prime members, download thousands of Prime Video movies and TV episodes. Watch downloaded videos anywhere—on a plane, on vacation, in the car, or wherever you don't have a wireless connection. Prime Video offers offline viewing at no additional cost.

Over 2 million songs free with Amazon Music

Prime Music is a benefit of your Amazon Prime Membership, featuring a growing selection of 2 million songs, always ad-free and on-demand. Unlock more music with Amazon Music Unlimited, just $7.99 per month for Prime members.

Add HBO, SHOWTIME and more to Prime

With Amazon Channels, Prime members can also subscribe to over 100 premium and specialty channels like HBO and SHOWTIME to add and stream—no cable or satellite subscription necessary. Prime members can subscribe to any or all of these channels with a free trial.


The next generation of our best-reviewed Fire tablet, with up to 12 hours of battery life, a vibrant 8" HD display, a 1.3 GHz quad-core processor, 1.5 GB of RAM, and Dolby Audio. More durable than the latest iPad.
16 or 32 GB of internal storage and a microSD slot for up to 256 GB of expandable storage
Just ask Alexa for quick access to the information and entertainment you want. Ask questions, play music, check your calendar, get the news, weather, and more.
Ask Alexa to call or message almost anyone, or make video calls to family and friends with a Fire tablet, Echo Spot, Echo Show, or the Alexa App. Instantly connect to enabled Echo devices.
Enjoy millions of movies, TV shows, songs, Kindle eBooks, apps and games - including Netflix, Facebook, HBO, Spotify, and more
Prime members get unlimited access to over a thousand books and magazines, millions of songs, and thousands of movies and TV episodes - at no additional cost
Watch downloaded videos anywhere with a Prime membership, Netflix plan, or Showtime subscription
Brand : Amazon
Item model num : SX034QT
MPN(PartNumber) : 53-005678
EAN : 0841667123295
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 22x13x2cm ; 558 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 36x16x4cm ; 558 g
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