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[해외]Bodno ID Card Software Program for PC & MAC - Design & Print Photo ID Cards and Gift/Loyalty Cards - Bronze Edition
[해외]Bodno ID Card Software Program for PC & MAC - Design & Print Photo ID Cards and Gift/Loyalty Cards - Bronze Edition 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Bodno
상품코드 n1538210727673
판매가격 410,000
적립금 0원
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Bodno ID Card Software Program for PC & MAC - Design & Print Photo ID Cards and Gift/Loyalty Cards - Bronze Edition

Bronze Edition

Diamond Edition

Gold Edition

Platinum Edition

Silver Edition

Product Description

What is Bodno? This ID card software for a Mac or PC that provides for designing and printing employee identity cards, visitor passes, access control cards, and similar. This powerfully designed software comes in tiered editions with a wide range of features ensuring the maximum requirements of your employee ID program are served.

With Bodno you no longer need to outsource graphic design or layout to manage confusing employee ID card needs. With Bodno software, creating and printing professional-quality, branded identity cards is easy and cost-effective.

Features & Specifications

- Bodno ID card printing design software comes with PC and Mac compatible code
- Easily create employee ID cards, access control cards, visitor passes and more
- Magnetic bar-code encoding capabilities -requires printer with mag-encoder
- Create card templates for consistent badge printing
- Simplified image treatment and card encoding
- Full setup on a USB security dongle
- Group and user login management

Choose from 5 Editions:

Bronze: comes with the basic features for ID design and ID printing. It includes predefined templates, signature acquisition, 1D Barcodes, WIA/TWAIN and Direct Show acquisition as well as magnetic encoding.

Silver: adds, among other features, QR codes, .PlatinumS, .CSV and .TXT database connection, Database View and Link Image to DB field.

Gold: adds, among other features, local MS Access connection, Photo on database, Face-crop tool for face recognition and 2D barcodes.

Platinum: adds ODBC connection, RFID Contactless direct encoding, Smartcard plugin, Multi-Layout card designs, Conditional printing, Operation Logs and many more!

Diamond: adds advanced features like DESFire, Web Print Server and Net License up to 16 PCs


PRINT IN SECONDS: This intuitive software enables you to quickly print ID cards with professional designs. The dozens of features are simple to navigate.
PRE MADE TEMPLATES: Choose from a wide selection of readymade designs for your identification & company cards. Drag and drop the elements you want in seconds.
UNIVERSALLY COMPATIBLE: This program works with any Windows (Vista forward) & MAC OSX. It also works with Magicard Pronto, Enduro, Rio Pro, Fargo and our printers.
LIFETIME SUPPORT AND LICENSE: Our licensing security uses a physical USB "dongle" to install on as many workstations as you please. We also offer lifetime help & support.
BRONZE EDITION: Includes all the basics for ID design & printing; predefined templates, signature acquisition, 1D Barcodes, WIA/TWAIN & Direct Show acquisition, & Magnetic encoding.
Brand : Bodno
MPN(PartNumber) : Bodno-Bronze
EAN : 0600161444196
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 17x14x2cm ; 100 g
do not remove - ntos connect log tag
구매 시 참고용으로만 이용해주십시오.
이 제품은 구매대행을 통하여 유통되는 제품임
이 제품은 「전기용품 및 생활용품 안전관리법」에 따른 안전관리대상 제품임



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