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[해외]DVD/CD Burner External Slot-in Drive DVD VCD CD RW Player Burner Superdrive for 애플 Macbook Pro Air iMAC
[해외]DVD/CD Burner External Slot-in Drive DVD VCD CD RW Player Burner Superdrive for 애플 Macbook Pro Air iMAC 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 YP
상품코드 n1538202395122
판매가격 63,000
적립금 0원
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- 가전제품의 경우 해외배송상품은 110V 전압 상품입니다. 상품수령후 반드시 사용전압 확인후 변압기 등을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.(전압 미확인에 따른 파손은 보상되지 않습니다)

- 주문이 완료되었더라도 간혹 해외 판매처의 품절 또는 가격인상 등으로 인해 구매가 진행되지 않을 수 있습니다. 이 경우 고객의사에 따라 별도의 환불안내를 드립니다.


상품 정보

단위환산기 수치를 입력하시면 자동환산됩니다. 사이즈 확인 시 참고하세요.
inch = cm
lb = kg
DVD/CD Burner External Slot-in Drive DVD VCD CD RW Player Burner Superdrive for 애플 Macbook Pro Air iMAC





2.0 CD/DVD Burner

3.0 BD Rose Gold


CD Burner Silver

Push button

USB3.0 Silver

Product Description

1. Ultra Slim and Light Weight, Classic Designed Appearance Designed.
2. Support DOS Start and System Recovery.
3. Power Ability to Correct Errors, Shockproof, Low Level Noise.
4. Route Optimalizing Design for Power Saving and Low Power Consumption, NO External Power Required.
5. Easy to install, Plug and Play, No Any Driver Required(Excluded Windows 98SE).
6. Unique Intelligent Replication Technology, easy to Pause/ Record Files.
7. Automatic Slot in Design for the Disk, Prevent cockamamie process of opening or closing the machine's door by hand.
8. Compatible with All Laptop and PC with USB Port.

Reading&Writing Speed:
CD-ROM- Max.24X Speed
DVD -Max.8X
- Buffer Under Run Protection
Support USB2.0(480Mpbs) USB1.1 (12Mb/sec).
Burn CD &DVD,play DVD,VCD,CD.

1.please wait until it is ready after every step ( plug it into computer,put disk(CD,VCD,DVD) into it,use it step by step,so that it works smoothly
2. As this is slot-in version,there is no button that you can use the mechanical way to get the disk out,all steps work automatically with clicks.
If the disk was stuck,please plug out & in again or try it on another computer.please NOTE,it would work more slowly when you re-plug it with there is disk inside it,be patient to wait until it is ready,then operate it in the usual way to get disk out.
3.Every item has been double check the function prior to ship,and hope every product come to every customer in perfect condition.
However there are complicated reasons may cause it out of work:
1).not proper operation;2).Disk:sometimes you will find it can be noisy with some disks but others not;3)The error or virus in your system,reinstall your system if necessary.
please forgive it is just part of machine,please use your wise head to work it out,just give it more chances.
Any more query,feel free to contact us,thanks!


Plug and Play. Full compatible with USB 2.0 / USB 1.1. Power by USB, no external AC adapter needed. No enject button designed, Slot Loading. This is OEM drive, not from Apple
Portable,convenient item,work with computer with USB port,just plug in to use it.
NO Software installed and External Power Required, this USB External Slot in SATA CD DVD Drive Burner is specially designed for your Ultrabook, Netbook or PC which don't have the Drive Hardware
Using this superdrive for your ultrabook, netbook or PC, you can pla CD and DVD, burn CD&dvd which will give you perfect effect when you are watching DVD videos, installing software, or create backup discs, etc
Compatible with Windows 98 / SE / ME / 2000 / XP / vista / windows 7 upper, and work with all version MAC OS.
Brand : YP
MPN(PartNumber) : 43237-2
EAN : 7453060436396
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 14x14x2cm ; 395 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 19x19x4cm ; 395 g
do not remove - ntos connect log tag
구매 시 참고용으로만 이용해주십시오.
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