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[해외]Kids Smartwatch, Anti-lost GPS tracker Smart Watch for Children Girls Boys Compatible for iPhone Android (Black)
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[해외]Kids Smartwatch, Anti-lost GPS tracker Smart Watch for Children Girls Boys Compatible for iPhone Android (Black) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Themoemoe
상품코드 n1538146761313
판매가격 68,000
적립금 0원
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필수 선택입니다.

- 해외에서 고객님께 직배송되는 구매대행 상품입니다.

- 주문확인으로부터 배송완료까지 약 7~20일 정도 소요됩니다.

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- 국제배송~배송완료 중 반품 시 현지반품비용+EMS비용+국내 택배회수비가 발생됩니다.

- 세관통과 후 국내택배 배송조회가 가능합니다.

- 현지상황이나 택배사 사정에 따라 배송기간이 연장될 수 있으며, 해외소싱사이트 세일 등 물량이 늘어나는 기간에는 평소 배송일보다 3~5일 이상 지연될 수 있습니다.

- 타쇼핑몰과 중복으로 해외구매를 할 경우 통관 날짜가 같으면 관/부가세가 부과됩니다. (비슷한 시기에 다른 사이트에서 해외 제품을 주문할 경우 통관일정이 겹칠 수 있습니다.)

- 단순변심에 의한 교환/반품의 경우 고객님 부담으로 교환/반품이 진행됩니다.(단, 상품이 개봉되었거나, 파손되었을 경우 반품 불가함)

- 오배송/불량/파손의 경우 구매후 1개월이내 환불/교환 가능합니다. (증빙자료 있을 시)
- 가전제품의 경우 해외배송상품은 110V 전압 상품입니다. 상품수령후 반드시 사용전압 확인후 변압기 등을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.(전압 미확인에 따른 파손은 보상되지 않습니다)

- 주문이 완료되었더라도 간혹 해외 판매처의 품절 또는 가격인상 등으로 인해 구매가 진행되지 않을 수 있습니다. 이 경우 고객의사에 따라 별도의 환불안내를 드립니다.


상품 정보

단위환산기 수치를 입력하시면 자동환산됩니다. 사이즈 확인 시 참고하세요.
inch = cm
lb = kg
Kids Smartwatch, Anti-lost GPS tracker Smart Watch for Children Girls Boys Compatible for iPhone Android (Black)








Product Description

Real GPRS smart watch and Watch finder function
The watch with GPS Positioning function(GPS+LBS+WIFI three mode location, more precisely).
And if you have lost the watch at home, Click on Watch finder button on the app and watch will ring the bell.

Voice Micro Chat:
Watch not only can make a call, but also can make a voice Micro chat with parents.

Remote Monitoring Function: One way listening to the sound about the kid's environment at any time. To join the day of the child.

Do not disturb period:
You don't have to worry about smart watches affecting your child's learning. You can set three non-interference periods.
The watch masks all calls during these three periods.

How to use the watch: (Not every one will met the offline problem)
Register the APP
Step 1:
Scan the QR code to download the APP.
Step 2:
Enter the APP. And then enter all the needed information.
Step 3:
Please note that the "Area" in the lower right corner. You need to choose the correct area where your country belong to.
Device offline problem
If you met the "Device Offline" Or "No equipment connect".
Step 1: Please send this command to the watch. "pw,123456,ts#" And you will get a reply.
Step 2: Check the IP is correct. If it's incorrect. Please send this command to change it."pw,123456,ip,(IP address),8001#".
For Example: if you need to change it to North America IP. Send this: "pw,123456,ip,,8001#". Set successfully, will get a reply message like "[surl,,port,8001#]ok!"
IP in each region is not the same.

If you encounter problems, you do not need to immediately return the product. Please contact us in time. We will solve your problem within 24 hours.


【CALL & TEXT MESSAGE COMMUNICATION】Insert a 2G GSM SIM card to communicate with your child by sending calls, text messages or voice messages.(Please call the sim card's provider to verify if the sim supports GSM network and has 2g digital service or not before purchasing.) In US we'd like to Recommend the SPEEDTALK MOBILE. Please purchase SpeedTalk sim with "mobilenet" apn not with "wholesale" apn.
【LOCATION TRACKER - with GPS & WiFi】Enables you to stay connected, whether your child is inside or outside a building. The watch can track and locate your child's position by GPS, LBS, BDS, AGPS, WiFi【 Watch Finder】- If you have lost the watch at home, Click on Watch finder button on the app and watch will ring the bell.
【SOS EMERGENCY CALL】Kids can press the SOS key for 3 seconds to circularly call families' numbers for help. The geofencing feature alerts you when your child moves outside of the designated area. More features-- Watch Remove/Anti-lost/Low Power Alert, Touch-touch Making Friends, Prohibition of Use During the Class, Warm Heart Award.
【HEALTH MANAGEMENT】You could check your child's steps, distance, calories and sleep rolls from the app, just switch on the Pedometer in the app. Furthermore, you can set alarms on APP to wake your child up or remind him/her of something he need to do.
【CHAT&MateriaL】 Click on Chat if you want to send or receive voice message to watch. Tap & Hold on Start recording button and say your voice message. On release of this button, the message will be sent to Watch. Similarly, watch can also send message like this.The silicone wristband can make your kids feel more comfortable in wearing.
Brand : Themoemoe
EAN : 0192187289313
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 4x6x2cm ; 41 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 9x9x7cm ; 41 g
do not remove - ntos connect log tag
구매 시 참고용으로만 이용해주십시오.
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