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[해외]USB Wifi Adapter 1200Mbps Dual Band 2.4G/5G Wireless Network Dongle Adapter High Gain Antenna for PC Desktop Laptop Win 10/8/7/XP Linux Mac OS
[해외]USB Wifi Adapter 1200Mbps Dual Band 2.4G/5G Wireless Network Dongle Adapter High Gain Antenna for PC Desktop Laptop Win 10/8/7/XP Linux Mac OS 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Meeca
상품코드 n1538119624704
판매가격 44,000
적립금 0원
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USB Wifi Adapter 1200Mbps Dual Band 2.4G/5G Wireless Network Dongle Adapter High Gain Antenna for PC Desktop Laptop Win 10/8/7/XP Linux Mac OS









Product Description

1200Mbps Dual band (867Mbps 5GHz/300 Mbps 2.4GHz) USB WiFi adapter for PC Desktop Laptop Win 10/8/7/XP Linux Mac OS

1200Mbps Dual band USB Wifi adapter is suitable for PC and desktop for wireless connection. Users can select the working band according to the situation. The USB3.0 interface is backward compatible with USB2.0 and USB1.1 devices. Full-duplex operation, input and output can be performed simultaneously in both directions. Support Windows 10/8/7/XP Linux Mac OS. We have a strong inner core with 2 power amplifiers for fast transmission and stable signal.


802.11ac compliant and 802.11a/b/g/n compatible 2.4GHz/5GHz free switch Built-in 360° high-gain antenna (2*2 dBi) Led light USB3.0 interface compatible with USB2.0 and USB1.1 WPS button for quicker and easier connection

Package contents

1* 1200M USB Wifi adapter
1* CD driver
1* User manual

Easy setup

Install the software with the included CD Plug the USB wireless adapter into PC/laptop port Scan for the available networks and connect to complete the setup If your computer does not have an optical drive, please download the driver from this site: http://bit.ly/2qLS37h


Dual band USB Wifi adapter uses the latest 802.11ac standard, that's 3 times faster than 802.11g wireless network, supports 2.4GHz (300Mbps) and 5GHz (867Mbps), make online HD video, online games, video chat experience more perfect.
Built-in 360° high-gain antenna (2*2 dBi) allows you to receive wireless signals from a longer distance and portable, LED lights let you know the working status in real time.
USB3.0 provides 10 times faster transmission speed than the previous USB2.0, and backward compatible with USB2.0 and USB1.1 devices. Push-button Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) for faster and easier connection. Support Windows 10/ 8.1/ 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP, Mac OS X, Linux.
The wireless network Dongle Adapter receives Wifi and router signals to upgrade desktops and laptops. AP mode supports Wifi sharing of other wireless devices.
18 months free warranty and lifetime technical support. If you have any pre-sale or after-sales service, please feel free to contact us. Online driver download: http://bit.ly/2qLS37h
Brand : Meeca
MPN(PartNumber) : 43237-44505
EAN : 0611890577727
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 8x3x1cm ; 14 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 12x9x2cm ; 14 g
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