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[해외]IVSO 애플 New 아이패드 Pro 12.9 2017 Case With Keyboard Ultra-Thin DETACHABLE Bluetooth Keyboard Stand Case / Cover for 애플 New 아이패드 Pro 12.9 2015 and 2017 Version Tablet (Blue)
[해외]IVSO 애플 New 아이패드 Pro 12.9 2017 Case With Keyboard Ultra-Thin DETACHABLE Bluetooth Keyboard Stand Case / Cover for 애플 New 아이패드 Pro 12.9 2015 and 2017 Version Tablet (Blue) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 IVSO
상품코드 n1538060676341
판매가격 83,000
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상품 정보

단위환산기 수치를 입력하시면 자동환산됩니다. 사이즈 확인 시 참고하세요.
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IVSO 애플 New 아이패드 Pro 12.9 2017 Case With Keyboard Ultra-Thin DETACHABLE Bluetooth Keyboard Stand Case / Cover for 애플 New 아이패드 Pro 12.9 2015 and 2017 Version Tablet (Blue)















Product Description

1. Magnetically folds into a portfolio case for portability and traveling.
2. High quality PU leather cover with soft inner lining provides comfortable feeling while offer full protection for your tablet.
3. With smart stand function, this keyboard case enables you to have a prefect viewing angle with your tablet.
4. Precise Cutout allows full access to all ports, user interface, sensors, speakers, microphone and cameras without having to remove the cover, even when you are charging the tablet.
5. Built-in Rechargeable battery could extend the battery life of your tablet (3 hours).
6. Special function keys: Sleep / Lock / Slideshow/Home/volume and more.

1. Built in Lithium polymer battery capacity: 450mah
2. Voltage: 3.7V Power Charge Connector
3. Input: Micro USB charge Cable: 5V
4. Standby time: approx. 30 days.
5. Continual working time: 60-90H
6. Charging time: 2.5h-4.5h
7. Working distance: 10 meters.

Package Contents:
1x IVSO PU Protective Leather Case
1x IVSO Removable Bluetooth 3.0 ABS Keyboard
1x USB Charging Cable
1x User Manual

Please note :
This is only IVSO case for tablet, tablet isn't included for sell.

About us:

Being a set Research and Development, Design, Production and Sales in cell phone and tablet accessories in one, we manufacture and sell cases for tablets and cell phones of many brands. By this way, we can always offer you the highest quality product with reasonable price. For your convenience, please search "IVSO + your tablet/mobile" to take the fastest path to the product you want and have a clear view of other cases we offer in store.


Exclusive design for Apple New iPad Pro 12.9 2017 tablet, High quality PU leather cover and soft, microfiber-lined interior provide full protection for your tablet.
3-In-1 functionality: Bluetooth V3.0 keyboard + Stand + Premium Carrying Case, it is extremely convenient to carry your tablet to office and travel.
Real laptop-style keyboard, giving you better typing experience than silicone keyboard as other cases
Precise cut-off provides full access to all ports and features, charging time 2.5 - 3 hours; estimated uninterrupted working time 60 hours
Trademark is IVSO, Manufacture is Gambolex, Only buy from Gambolex to get genuine IVSO products with manufacturer warranty and superb customer service.
Brand : IVSO
MPN(PartNumber) : 43235-165555
EAN : 4894550291850
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 35x24x4cm ; 885 g
do not remove - ntos connect log tag
구매 시 참고용으로만 이용해주십시오.
이 제품은 구매대행을 통하여 유통되는 제품임
이 제품은 「전기용품 및 생활용품 안전관리법」에 따른 안전관리대상 제품임



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