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[해외]USB 3.0 External CD DVD Drive Burner, Dansrueus Portable Ultra-Slim CD-RW DVD-RW Rewriter Superdrive Player For Desktop Laptop 애플 Mac Macbook Pro PC Windows Vista Linux
[해외]USB 3.0 External CD DVD Drive Burner, Dansrueus Portable Ultra-Slim CD-RW DVD-RW Rewriter Superdrive Player For Desktop Laptop 애플 Mac Macbook Pro PC Windows Vista Linux 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Dansrue
상품코드 n1538051550769
판매가격 103,000원 58,000
적립금 0원
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USB 3.0 External CD DVD Drive Burner, Dansrueus Portable Ultra-Slim CD-RW DVD-RW Rewriter Superdrive Player For Desktop Laptop 애플 Mac Macbook Pro PC Windows Vista Linux







Product Description

USB 3.0 External CD DVD Drive Burner, Dansrueus Portable Ultra-Slim CD-RW DVD-RW Rewriter Superdrive Player For Desktop Laptop Apple Mac Macbook Pro PC Windows Vista Linux

【Specifications】 ➢USB Interface: USB 3.0 (Backwards Compatible with USB 2.0 and USB 1.0)
➢Reading Speed: CD: 24X, DVD (Double/Single Layer) 8X
➢Writing Speed: CD-R: 24X, CD-RW: 16X (US-RW), DVD+/-R: 8X, DVD+R Double Layer: Max.6X
➢Dimensions: 5.7 x 5.9 x 0.7(in)

➣Well compatible with Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2003, Linux, Mac 10 OS system.
➣Support plug and play function, powered by USB and no need to install the driver program.
➣Detachable USB cable and the eject design, never worry about the disc stuck inside.
➣USB3.0 transmission standard (compatible with USB2.0) faster data transmission speed, up to a maximum of 5Gbps.
➣With pure copper mesh technology, this drive has low impedance and anti-interference ability, brings a more stable data transmission.

☛When finished the installation, if can't find the symbol of USB ODD in "computer", pls check whether the "USB controller" is in "Computer/Control panel/System security/Systems/Device manager'. If not, pls restart your computer, and then enter into CMOS, make" On Chip USB" set as "Enabled" in "CHIPSET FEATURES SETUP" or "INTEGRATED PERIPHERALS", then save and start computer, recheck whether the symbol of USB ODD have appeared.
☛When read and write CD-ROM,DVD-ROM,CD-R/RW,DVD+-R/RW/RDL not fluently, pls put in the power cable.

【Package Included】
✔1 x USB 3.0 CD/DVD-RW Burner
✔1 x A Male to Micro B USB3.0 Cable
✔1 x USB 2.0 to DC 3.5mm Cable


【High Compatibility】 Compatible with Windows XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8.1/ 10, Linux, Mac OS system. Universal support any PC, Desktop, Ultrabook and Netbook with USB port.
【USB Faster Data Transfer】 USB 3.0 high-speed transmission interface design. No need to install driver program, support plug and play, Making transmission faster and more stable.
【Newest Burning Technology】 Adopted intelligent burning technology, you can read/write/burn your disc or interrupt recording at your ease. Pop-up button and disc tray design makes it convenient to read or write discs.
【Easy and Smooth Operation Experience】 This CD/DVD-RW burner allows playing music, movies or copying/burning movies and music to DVD or CD. Error-correcting, anti-shock and noise reduction, to giving you an easy and smooth operation experience.
【Portable Convenient Design】 Lightweight body makes it easy to carry anywhere; Easy to assemble, push out the ODD or HDD through a button, make ODD and HDD interchange conveniently.
Brand : Dansrue
MPN(PartNumber) : 0523DVD
EAN : 0880603095531
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 22x17x3cm ; 422 g
do not remove - ntos connect log tag
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